to learn from the light


Timespan Tuesday 14.5.2024
Artists Mariana Sadovska, Christian Thome, Markus Braun, Daria Fomina und Safiye Lenter-Kizi, Valerij Lisac
Orangerie Theater | Bühne, Volksgartenstr. 25, 50677 Köln
Impaired mobility

What it's all about

VESNA's music is characterized by acoustic beats, electronic soundscapes and powerful vocal art. In their songs, the trio rely on Ukrainian traditional tunes, which are uniquely transformed by Christian Thomé's orchestral drumming, Markus Braun's filigree sound design and Mariana Sadovska's honest vocal style.

Why should you come? 

In “to learn from the light” , the trio takes up the fight with our crisis-ridden world, in which the individual is at risk of falling under the wheels of time. Contemporary Ukrainian lyrics provide the basis for songs that swing back and forth between rough sounds and delicate melodies.


The Ukrainian musicians Daria Fomina and Safiye Lenter-Kizi enrich the concert with the sounds of Crimean Tatar and klezmer traditions. A special evening in which the Jewish, Muslim and Christian music of today's Ukraine come together.


Tuesday 14.5.2024

Opening: 19:00

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