Photo of two women wrestling on the floor, one woman wraps her arm around the neck of the other woman and points her finger upwards with her other hand.


Timespan Friday 17.5.2024
Artists Kollektiv ZOO
Orangerie Theater | Bühne, Volksgartenstr. 25, 50677 Köln
Impaired mobility

What it's all about

Inspired by Playfight* and the Playfight community, Kollektiv ZOO is working with play fighters to develop a format between performance and play that search for new forms of dialogue and open up a forum for physical speech. A temporary play fight arena that opens up to the audience during the performance in the Orangerie as a blueprint for social dialogue, compromise and disagreement. The playfight* in the arena is entered by the players, who worked on the format together with the collective for several weeks, as fictional characters from the game ZOO JUTSU.  

That's why you have to go

The format confronts the players and audience with physical limits in a playful way and brings the wrestlers into a physical dialogue in which physical conditions and self-imagined rules are mixed in a variety of ways. Which practised thought patterns and which opinions are put at risk?


Friday 17.5.2024

Opening: 20:00


Performance Katharina Moritzen, Leonie Bachem, Ana Isabel Behnke Ilanos, Niklas Frechen, Aglaya Nogina, Rachel Schwehn, Kenji Shinohe, Helga Stommel

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