A man stands with his back to the camera in a large abandoned factory building. He is barefoot in an improvised mosque, praying. Several tents can be seen in the factory hall


Timespan 6.5.2024 to 19.5.2024
Price Eintritt frei
Artists Abdul Saboor, Giorgio Morra, János Buck
ehem. Autohaus, Osker-Jäger-Straße 97-99, 50825 Köln
Impaired mobility Wheelchair access
Accessibility Inductive loop (2 Dates) German Sign Language (2 Dates) Audio description (1 Date)

What it's all about

Not far from us, and yet out of sight, the borders between countries unfortunately also show the limits of the non-negotiability of human rights. In cooperation with Balkanbrücke and the Kölner Spendenkonvoi, the Sommerblut Festival is presenting a multimedia exhibition on the situation of people on the move at the EU's external borders. The works of photographers Abdul Saboor, Giorgio Morra and János Buck depict the developments of recent years on the so-called Balkan route. 

That's why you have to come

Artistic means are used to create a space for debate, discussion and reflection. Testimonials from refugees and volunteer supporters, as well as fact-based background information, provide additional context to the documentary photographs. 


We are showing the film "Green Border" in a special screening at the Cologne Filmhaus.


Monday 6.5.2024

Opening: 18:30

Vernissage - Talk Abdul Saboor, János Buck, Giorgio Morra & DJ-Set Martin Simonis (Still You)

Tuesday 14.5.2024

Opening: 18:30

Filmvorführung: Green Border & Filmgespräch, Filmhaus Köln, Maybachstraße 111, 50670 Köln

Saturday 18.5.2024

Audiodeskriptive Führung durch die Ausstellung

Sunday 19.5.2024

Finissage / Panel mit Gästen aus Politik und Aktivismus möchten wir das Thema der Ausstellung aufgreifen und fragen 'Was wird getan und was kann getan werden?'


Photography Abdul Saboor, Giorgio Morra
Photography & Curation & Project manager János Buck
Conceptual cooperation Kölner Spendenkonvoi, Balkanbrücke
Curation Anna-Mareen Henke, Ronja Bader
Production assistance Bozica Babic

sponsor and supporter

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