Koche und Klaafe mit Cassy Carrington


Timespan Saturday 18.5.2024
Artists Cassy Carrington (Show), Dietmar Saxler (Moderation), electrosuppe (DJ), Manfred Koschnik (Texte)
Buchforster Nachbarschaftstreffs (BuNT), Pyrmonter Str. 16, 51065 Köln
Impaired mobility Wheelchair access
Accessibility Inductive loop

What it's all about

Koche und Klaafe is part of the "Queer-BuNte Geschichten von d'r schäl Sick" project organised by Cologne's Zu Huss e.V. Queer senior citizens explore their own individual experiences of the city's history. The food is cooked in the traditional Rhineland style in the Buchforst neighbourhood meeting place BuNt. And as usual, people chat while cooking. 

That's why you have to come

As part of the Sommerblut Festival 2024, the project is hosting a queer cooking show. Cassy Carrington, one of Cologne's hottest drag queens, will be behind the cooking pot with social worker Dietmar Saxler to answer questions. She talks about her own personal experiences and the possibilities of overcoming barriers in thought and action.


After eating together, Cassy shows off her show talent and takes the audience on a queer and colourful journey. KIOSK, the mobile festival centre, will also be there, offering drinks and music in the open air. 


Saturday 18.5.2024

Opening: 15:30

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